Security screening tips

Want to speed through security screening?  Leave everything in your bag!

From September 2022, passengers should leave liquids and electronics in their carry-on bag for security screening. 

7 steps for quicker security screening:

  1. Proceed to the front of the queue and collect the next available tray from any divestment station
  2. Leave all laptops, tablets, electronic devices and toiletries in your bags
  3. Please remove all items from your pockets (including non-metallic items like tissues)
  4. Place lighter items (e.g. jumpers, belts, earphones, sunglasses, and jewellery) in the tray, underneath the clear plastic flap
  5. Remove your outer bulky items (e.g. coats, steel-capped boots, scarves and hats) and place on top of the plastic flap
  6. Walk through the security scanner. If prompted, stand squarely with your feet on the shoe markings and hold your arms slightly away from your body
  7. Follow the instructions of the security screening officers: If no alarm sounds, you may then collect your belongings. If an alarm sounds, you will be required to undertake a secondary, pat-down search. This can be conducted in a private room, at your request.

Items on a tray at security screening

Travelling internationally?

Remember: There are limits on the quantity of liquids, aerosols, gels and certain powders you can carry onboard an international flight. Liquid, aerosol or gel items must be in containers of 100ml / 100g or less. Inorganic powders (e.g. talc, sand) must not exceed 350g. For more information, please visit the Department of Home Affairs website.  

How does the security scanner work?

The security scanner is safe for everyone to use, including people who are pregnant or those using pacemakers.

Security scanners use extremely low-power millimeterwaves to automatically detect potentially dangerous items carried on the body or in clothing. They operate on frequencies similar to those of a vehicle distance warning system. The transmitted power at the scanned person's location is almost undetectable and far less than mobile phone emissions.

Your privacy is protected

Security scanners evaluate physical information rather than generating images of the passengers being scanned. Security officers using the system see possible threat areas on a generic stick figure. Images of passengers will not be saved, printed, or sent to any third-party devices.

Your rights at the screening point

When you enter a screening point, you are agreeing to each screening procedure. If a frisk search is required, you will be asked to consent to this process.

You have the right to refuse any screening process. However, if you refuse you will not be permitted to go through the security screening point and will not be able to board your flight.