Building applications

Information about application for building activities at Perth Airport.

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Land use planning and building control at Perth Airport is regulated by the Airports Act 1996 (Act). This means that State law does not apply and all building approvals for building activity on Perth Airport land are issued under Commonwealth law.

Regulations have been made pursuant to the Act, and the regulations dealing with the approval of building activities (as defined in the Act) are the Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996. The Regulations set out the way in which applications are made for approval of building activities, as well as the matters the Airport Building Controller (ABC) considers applications before an approval is issued.

Before building activity is commenced on Perth Airport land, a permit under the provisions of the Airports Act 1996 and Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996 must be obtained from the Airport Building Controller.

A building activity is defined as:-

  1. Construction of buildings or other structure;
  2. Alterations to the structure of buildings or other structures;
  3. Constructing or altering earthworks (whether or not in relation to a buildings etc.)
  4. Constructing or altering engineering, electrical or hydraulic works;
  5. Demolishing , destroying, dismantling or removing: - Building, structure, earthworks, engineering works, electrical works and hydraulic works.
Structures include bridges, fences, towers, pylons and temporary structures such as tents.

Earth work or engineering works include runways, taxiways, aprons, roads, car parks, retaining walls, dams, railways pipelines, road surfaces, car park surfaces and tunnels.

The approval process also involves obtaining the consent of the Airport Lessee Company (ALC) which is Perth Airport Pty Ltd.

The Regulations describe the things Perth Airport must be satisfied about before it gives its consent, such as whether the proposed building activity is consistent with the Perth Airport Master Plan.

Information published on this website
As of 27 March 2010 the Regulations require certain information about building applications at Perth Airport to be published by the ALC on the Perth Airport website. Accordingly, this information is published by PAPL in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations.

Note: The “Date of Application” is the date that the ALC received the application from the ABC if the applicant is not the ALC and is the date the application was submitted to the ABC if the applicant is the ALC.
