Tom Mùller’s sculptures outside Bravo Building on Brearley Avenue

Animating the airways

Criss-Cross I, II and III - Tom Mùller

Imagine a group of airport runways crossing over each other and you have Tom Mùller’s series of sculptures outside the new Bravo Building on Brearley Avenue, on the approach to Terminals 3 and 4.

“As an artist fascinated with aviation and the impact it is having on our natural world, this unique opportunity to create a series of new artworks in a public space within Perth Airport has been a dream come true. Each sculptural installation depicts the complete runway systems found for each of the Australian airports of entry (Criss-Cross I: Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns; Criss-Cross II: Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra; Criss-Cross III: Perth and Darwin).” – Tom Mùller