Management of PFAS

What is PFAS?

PFAS stands for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances which are manufactured chemicals used in products that resist oil, water stains and heat. PFAS are a large group of chemical compounds that are extremely persistent, moderately soluble, non-volatile organic pollutants that do not occur naturally in the environmental.

How is PFAS used?

PFAS have been manufactured and used since the 1940s in a wide range of industrial applications, including textile coatings, food packaging, non-stick cookware, cosmetics, carpet care treatments, floor wax and polish, insecticides, paint and lacquer, and fire-fighting foams.

The main use of PFAS at the Perth Airport Estate was Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFFs) for aviation firefighting purposes by Airservices Australia (ASA), which is a government-owned organisation. Historically, fire-fighting foam containing two commonly used PFAS – Perfluoro-octane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluoro-octanoic Acid (PFOA) – was used by Airservices Australia’s Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF).  The known use by ARFF of PFAS was phased out at Perth Airport in 2010.

Is there PFAS Contamination at Perth Airport?

PFAS contamination has been documented on the Perth Airport estate, particularly in areas associated with fire-fighting activities. Airservices Australia has completed a Preliminary Site Investigation with limited sampling for PFAS contamination at Perth Airport to better understand the potential impacts from previous use of AFFF. The results of the investigation indicate the presence of PFAS in soil, surface water and groundwater at the airport. ASA has provided a factsheet with regards to fire fighting foam at Perth Airport which includes information on the next steps being implemented by ASA and sources of additional information.

Perth Airport has undertaken a detailed site investigation to better understand the nature and extent of PFAS contamination within the boundary of the Perth Airport estate and further assess the potential risks from identified PFAS impacts. Sampling conducted as part of the detailed site investigation revealed elevated concentrations of PFAS in one specific area, notably the current fire training ground, surpassing human health guideline values designated for industrial land use, relevant to the airport use. Additionally, concentrations detected in various discrete areas across the estate, associated with ASA fire training activities, exceeded relevant ecological screening criteria.

While PFAS concentrations in the soil were found to exceed human health and environmental screening criteria, the potential health risks associated with PFAS on-site are assessed as low. This is because the typical concentrations to which site users are likely to be exposed do not surpass screening criteria, and the potential for exposure is limited due to the restricted accessibility of PFAS in soils and groundwater.

As PFAS have been found to be persistent and to accumulate in the environment, a precautionary approach is taken by Government agencies regarding management of this issue. Perth Airport supports this approach and complies with all relevant guidance and direction from regulators on PFAS management.

How is Perth Airport managing PFAS Contamination on the estate?

To ensure appropriate management of PFAS, Perth Airport has undertaken or supported the following activities:

  • A primary investigation and management of ARFF legacy issues by Airservices;
  • A detailed site investigation to better understand the nature and extent of PFAS contamination at the site.
  • Quarterly monitoring of PFAS levels in groundwater, surface water and irrigation water across the Perth Airport estate.
  • Implementation of an estate wide PFAS Contamination Management Plan developed in consultation with State and Commonwealth regulators.
  • Implementation of additional controls and management measures as part of construction works in consultation with State and Commonwealth regulators to manage PFAS; and
  • Treatment of surface water in the Northern Main Drain to reduce PFAS levels in that surface water before it exits the airport estate.

Perth Airport continues to lobby the Federal government to accept its responsibility to identify the full extent of PFAS contamination on the airport estate and act to remediate this contamination.

It is important to note that PFAS have been used in numerous industries and applications and have been detected widely across Australia and globally. The presence of PFAS contamination is not unique to Perth Airport. PFAS is an emerging national and international issue and understanding continues to grow as further works are undertaken by researchers, industry and regulators on how best to evaluate and manage these. Perth Airport will continue to uphold all required standards and advocate for responsible and appropriate management of PFAS contamination on the Perth Airport estate.