Online Booking General Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to you if you pre-book and purchase parking online for any Perth Airport car park, including when you use the online booking service to take advantage of a car park promotion (Terms and Conditions).  If you make an online booking and purchase parking through this Website, you are taken to have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions. 

The terms and conditions of entry to the car parks at Perth Airport (Entry Conditions) are incorporated into and form part of these Terms and Conditions. A copy of the Entry Conditions are available here.

To the extent that there is any inconsistency between the Terms and Conditions set out on this Website and the Entry Conditions, the Terms and Conditions set out on this Website prevail.

1. In these Terms and Conditions: 

(a) ’you’ or ’your’ refers to any person who makes a booking and purchases parking through this Website for a Perth Airport car park; and

(b) ’we’ or ’us’ or ‘our’ refers to Perth Airport Pty Ltd (ABN 24 077 153 130) and its employees and agents, and where the context permits, its contractors; and

(c) ‘car park’ refers to the car parks at the Perth Airport listed in clause below;

(d) ‘Website’ refers to our website at

(e) The ‘applicable fees’ are those parking fees, booking fees and credit card fees notified to you as applicable to your booking at the time of your booking.

      2. When you make a booking and purchase your parking through this Website for one of the car parks, you enter into an agreement with us upon these Terms and Conditions.
      3. Perth Airport is not responsible for any forfeited savings due to the online booking system being inactive or unavailable to a customer at any particular time.
      4. This agreement takes effect from when:
        (a) you submit an online booking form using our Website or mobile application; and
        (b) we accept the online booking and provide you with an email confirmation of your booking and receipt of payment. Your booking is not complete until such time as the booking confirmation is received.

        5. The Terms and Conditions apply to the car parking services made available at Terminal 1 (T1), Terminal 2 (T2), Terminal 3 (T3), Terminal 4 (T4) and General Aviation precinct.

        6. While we use reasonable endeavours to ensure that car parks are secure, we do not guarantee that they are a secure environment. The CCTV cameras installed in and around the car parks are for the use and protection of Perth Airport only and are not for the sole purpose of monitoring vehicles.

        7. We are not responsible if you miss your flight or your airline check-in has closed.  You must leave an appropriate amount of time to reach the terminal building from the car park. You should factor in enough time including without limitation for finding a space (taking into account that the car park may be busy, particularly at peak times), getting your luggage out of the car, locking the car, walking to the relevant bus stop, the frequency of the buses and the time the bus journey takes from the car park to the terminal (if using the Long Term car park) and walking to the terminal. 

        8. Online parking charges are calculated on a 24-hour basis from the time your booking commences. Partial days are charged at a full day rate if booked online.

        9. Extra days or hours stayed outside of your pre-booked nominated booking period (overstay) will be charged as per the standard rates, not the online rate. The overstay fee is calculated as a new transaction from the first hour or day of the standard rate table.

        10. Bookings are valid for one entry and one exit only. Multiple entries are not permitted.

        11. Bookings are only valid at the parking location chosen by you when you make your booking. 

        Indemnity and limitation of our liability

        12. The Australian Consumer Law provides consumers with certain guarantees that may apply to the supply of goods or services by us that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. The exclusion of guarantees and warranties, and the limitation of liability, in these terms and conditions, apply subject to any rights you may have under the Australian Consumer Law.

        13. You agree that your use of the car park is at your own risk. 

        14. We are not liable to you or any person with you for:

        a. injury to you or anybody else;

        b. damage to, destruction of, or theft of a vehicle, or unauthorised delivery up of your vehicle or any other vehicle ;

        c. damage to, destruction of, theft of or delivery up of any property (including anything in or on your vehicle or any other vehicle); however caused, and you release and indemnify us from any claim, which you might otherwise have against us; or

        d. direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage or inconvenience suffered or incurred by any person,

        except to the extent the claim is caused by our negligence or default.

        15. To the fullest extent permitted by law we exclude our liability to you. In the case of any warranties, conditions or guarantees implied into this contract by the Australian Consumer Law, if the services supplied to you are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, we limit our liability, at our option, to:

        a. supplying the services to you again; or

        b. the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

        16. You agree to indemnify us in respect of any claim made against us as a consequence of, in relation to, or in any way arising out of your use of this car park, except to the extent the claim is caused by our negligence or default.

        Safety and security

        17. The Australian Road Rules and the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 apply and are enforced at Perth Airport and you must comply with these rules and regulations as amended from time to time. Fines are payable by you for non-compliance. See Parts 4 to 6 of the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997.

        18. Size and height restrictions apply at some of our car parks. You are responsible for ensuring that your vehicle complies with these restrictions. These restrictions are set out in the following table.

        Precinct Carpark  Height Restriction 
         Central  T1 ShortTerm  4.5m
         Central  T1 ShortTerm Saver  Nil
         Central  T2 ShortTerm  2.5m
         Central  LongTerm G  2.4m
         Central  LongTerm H  2.4m
         Central  LongTerm J  2.5m
         Central  LongTerm K  2.7m
         Central  T1 Forecourt  4.3m
         Central  T2 Forecourt  Nil
         West  Premium  2.5m
         West  T3/T4 ShortTerm  2.8m
         West  T3/T4 ShortTerm Saver  2.5m
         West  LongTerm  Undercover  2.5m
         West  LongTerm A  2.6m
         West  LongTerm B  2.4m
         West  LongTerm C  2.4m
         West  LongTerm D  2.6m
         West  LongTerm E  2.7m
         West  T3/T4 Forecourt  4.3m
         Regional  Regional Undercover  2.5m
         Regional  Regional Terminals Parking  2.7m

        19. You must:

        a. drive carefully and responsibly in the car park;

        b. produce, when requested by us, your parking ticket as proof of payment of the parking fee;

        c. obey speed limits in the car park as shown on the signs in the car parks;

        d. only park in designated public parking bays and not park in any area which is not a designated public parking bay;

        e. not enter public free parking zones if you are conducting commercial activities;

        f. not cause any obstructions, including parking across more than one bay;

        g. not park in a disabled bay without displaying a current disability permit;

        h. comply with all parking signs, permit zones and directions issued to you by us or our contractors; and

        i. comply with all laws and requirements relating to safety and security.

        20. We (or our contractors) may enter, move or tow away your vehicle for operational, safety or security reasons.

        21. If we have to tow your vehicle as a result of your breach of these terms and conditions, you must pay our reasonable costs for towing, and storage of your vehicle, and any recovery costs, if applicable.

        22. We have the right to not allow you to remove  your vehicle from the car park until:

        a. where available, a valid parking ticket is presented to the attendant;

        b. a valid parking ticket is accepted by an exit payment machine; or

        c. you provide acceptable evidence of ownership or entitlement to use the vehicle and pay the applicable fee for tickets that are misplaced or otherwise lost in circumstances where you misplace the parking ticket issued to you on entry.

          Privacy laws

          23. By entering the car park, you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and our Parking Privacy Notice, which can be found at

          Governing law

          24. This agreement is governed by the laws of Western Australia.


          25. If any of these conditions are illegal or unenforceable, the illegal or unenforceable conditions are to be disregarded and do not affect the remaining conditions. 

          26. Some of our car parks and associated services are managed and operated by our agents. All our rights and obligations in the Terms and Conditions can be exercised by us or our agents. 

          What you must do

          27. You agree that:

          a. you must pay the applicable fee using an acceptable credit card;

          b. you will not attempt to enter the car park prior to the entry date and time nominated in your booking. If you enter the car park prior to your nominated car park entry date and time, your booking may not be valid and you will be charged again for your parking stay at standard rates displayed at the entry to the car park;

          c. if you stay for a period after the end of the exit date and time nominated in your booking then you must pay the applicable fee for the additional time. The applicable fee for additional time will be calculated at the rates specified at the entrance to the car park you have used. Fees apply based on the duration of stay past your booking end date and time. For example, if you book for 3 days but stay 5 days, you have stayed an additional 2 days and will be charged the standard rate for a 2 day stay as signposted at the car park entrance;

          d. if the credit card payment used for your online booking fails then your online booking will not be processed;

          e. you must bring your booking receipt with you and scan the barcode on the receipt at the entry gate.  If you do not bring your booking receipt we may require you to pay for the parking used at the rates specified at the entrance to the car park you have used;

          f. your booking must only be used by you or someone authorised by you; and

          g. you are not entitled to any refund if your vehicle does not comply with size and height restrictions.

          What we must do

          28. We agree that:

          a. we must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that a space is available at the car park nominated in your booking;

          b. if a space is not available at the car park nominated in the booking, then we must use reasonable endeavours to accommodate your parking needs in accordance with the following procedure:

          i. if all spaces are full in your nominated cark park then you may park in any other car park listed in clause 5;

          ii. if all of our car parks are full or we are otherwise unable to accommodate your vehicle at any of our car parks, then:

          A. we will make efforts to organise alternative arrangements to accommodate your vehicle at no additional cost to you; or

          B. we will provide you with a refund of the applicable fee (excluding any non-refundable fees) unless you purchased your booking from any person other than Perth Airport.

          Refunds and cancellations

          29. If you purchased your booking from any person other than Perth Airport (such as a Perth Airport authorised reseller) and you require a refund or cancellation, you must seek that refund or cancellation from that other person.

          30. You are only entitled to a refund from Perth Airport where: 

          a. you booked a refundable product; and

          b. you effectively cancel a booking 2 hours or more prior to the start of the booking period in accordance with clause 33; or

          c. we are unable to accommodate your vehicle in accordance with clause 29(b) of this agreement.

          31. For the avoidance of doubt:

          a. where you are entitled to a refund, that refund will be paid electronically into the credit card account used to pay for the booking;

          b. you are not entitled to a refund from Perth Airport if you do not use the whole of the nominated period that you booked;

          c. you are not entitled to a refund if you park in a car park other than that set out in your booking (except for in accordance with clause 29(b)); and

          d. any payments made are forfeited and a refund is not available where you fail to cancel a booking 2 hours or more prior to the start of the booking period.

          32. Cancellation is only effective where:

          a. you successfully cancel your booking 2 hours or more prior to the start of the booking period using the ‘Manage my booking’ function located on the website at; or

          b. if you are unable to successfully cancel your booking online, you must notify us by email at [email protected] 2 hours or more prior to the start of the booking period. Your email must set out your full name, contact number, booking confirmation number, booking period. Never send credit card details via email. 

          Online booking promotions

          33. From time to time, we may make certain online booking promotions available.  If you make an online booking for any such promotion, then the terms and conditions applicable to that promotion apply in addition to the Online Booking General Terms and Conditions and the following terms and conditions which apply to any online booking promotion:

          a. You must make a booking using the online booking service to be eligible for the promotion.

          b. The promotional price is only available at the parking location and for the kind of service set out in the promotion’s terms.

          c. The promotion will only be offered for the period set out in the promotion terms.

          d. The availability of any promotion is subject to availability of car spaces. Once the allocated promotional spaces are exhausted, that promotion will no longer be available.

          e. As with all online bookings, any unused portion of a promotional booking will not be refunded.

          f. Promotional offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.

          g. Promotional offers often require you to make an online booking a certain period in advance of your booking date and time. The promotion will only be offered if you book within that stated period.

          *5 days from only $78 promotion

          34.  All of the Online Booking General Terms and Conditions as well as the following Terms and Conditions apply to this promotion.

          b. 5 days from $78 offer is based on the cost of a 5 day stay when Long Term D Super Saver Non-Flexi or Long Term J Super Saver Non-Flexi parking product is booked online.

          c. Bookings must be made at least 7 days in advance of nominated car park entry time and date.


          *Save up to 65% when you book online promotion

          35. All of the above Online Booking General Terms and Conditions as well as the following Terms and Conditions apply to this promotion.

          a. Savings level depends on length of stay booked.

          b. 65% saving based on 10 day stay in Short Term Parking booked online versus standard rate.

          c. Bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance of nominated car park entry time and date.


          *Park up to 99 days for $99.

          36. All of the Online Booking General Terms and Conditions as well as the following Terms and Conditions apply to this promotion.

          a. Offer valid for selected Long Term car parks only, subject to availability.

          b. Valid for parking booked online with an exit date on or prior to 31 December 2025.

          c. Bookings must be made at least 2 hours in advance of nominated car park entry time and date.

          d. Minimum length of stay is 7 days and maximum stay length is 99 days.

          e. Bookings are valid for one entry and one exit only. Multiple entries are not permitted.


          *Get 10% off

          37. All of the Online Booking General Terms and Conditions as well as the following Terms and Conditions apply to this promotion.

          a. Offer valid for public car parks available at the time of booking parking only.

          b. Offer excludes Valet parking.

          c. Promotion valid until 31 December 2025 for a car park exit date before 30 June 2026.

          d. Bookings must be made at least 2 hours in advance of nominated car park entry time and date.

          e. Maximum stay length is 99 days.

          f. Bookings are valid for one entry and one exit only. Multiple entries are not permitted.

          g. Offer applies only when using the link provided, no amendments permitted or other redemption offered.

          h. Prices offered at the time of booking already have the discount applied.


          *Take an extra 40% off

          38. All of the Online Booking General Terms and Conditions as well as the following Terms and Conditions apply to this promotion.

          a. Offer valid for public car parks available at the time of booking parking only.

          b. Offer excludes Valet parking.

          c. Promotion valid until 31 March 2025 for a car park exit date before 30 June 2025.

          d. Bookings must be made at least 2 hours in advance of nominated car park entry time and date.

          e. Maximum stay length is 99 days.

          f. Bookings are valid for one entry and one exit only. Multiple entries are not permitted.

          g. Offer applies only when using the link provided, no amendments permitted or other redemption offered.

          h. Prices offered at the time of booking already have the discount applied.