Travellers with specific needs

For safety and security reasons, passengers departing from major Australian airports are required to undergo security screening.

At Perth Airport, most passengers are screened using non-ionising body scanner technology. These body scanners emit extremely low-power millimeterwaves in very rapid succession. They use frequencies similar to those of a vehicle distance warning system. The transmitted power at the scanned person's location is almost undetectable and significantly lower than mobile phone emissions.

The body scanners at Perth Airport do not pose any known health risks and there are no known safety concerns to people with implanted medical devices (e.g. pacemakers). 

Alternative security screening

Perth Airport knows that some passengers may have specific needs and we have provided for alternative screening methods to be used, where appropriate, to ensure that all passengers are afforded respect and dignity throughout the screening process. 

Alternative screening processes may be used if you have a mobility aid, medical device or medical equipment.

Before leaving home: 
  • Talk with your doctor, healthcare professional or check the manufacturer instructions for guidance on whether your medical device or equipment is suitable for screening by body scanner technology or x-ray technology

At the front of the screening queue: 

  • Inform the screening officer if you have a prosthetic, medical device or medical equipment
  • Make the screening officer aware of any restrictions on your medical device or equipment in relation to body scanner technology or x-ray technology

Providing this information will assist the screening officer to select the screening method that is the most appropriate for your circumstances.

If you do not wish to discuss your medical device or equipment at the security screening checkpoint, or if you want any additional screening to be carried out away from public view, you can request a private room. 

You have the right to refuse any screening process. However, if you refuse you will not be permitted to go through the security screening point and will not be able to board your flight.

Hidden Disabilities sunflower program

Perth Airport has implemented the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program.

The Sunflower lanyard acts as a subtle way of identifying to staff that you have a hidden disability.

The Perth Airport team, including security screening officers, have been trained to recognise the lanyard and how to best provide the assistance and support wearers may need. 

Get your Hidden Disabilities sunflower lanyard.

Domestic travel with medicines

You can take prescription and non-prescription medicine onboard domestic flights.

International travel with medicines

A reasonable quantity of prescription and non-prescription medication is allowed under the powder, liquid, aerosol and gel restrictions.

A reasonable amount is considered an amount to cover the duration of the flight, allowing for any delays. Screening officers will have the final say on the amount permitted. 

If you plan to bring medication onboard, it is recommended that you:

  • Obtain supporting documentation, such as a letter from your GP. The letter should itemise any prescription and non-prescription powder, liquid, aerosol or gel medication (e.g. ice or gel packs used to regulate temperatures), or the need for hypodermic needles.
  • Check the restrictions for medicines and medical devices before you travel. Some prescription medicines available in Australia are illegal in other countries.
  • Have medication and accompanying documents ready for inspection before you arrive at the front of the screening queue.

For prescription medication, make sure the name on the prescription label matches the name on your boarding pass or the name of the person travelling in your care.

Medical devices and medical equipment (e.g. gel-filled external breast prostheses and personal supplemental oxygen) are exempt from the powder, liquid, aerosol and gel restrictions that apply for international travel. 

Travelling with infants and children

Children and infants must undergo security screening. The screening method used will depend on whether the child can walk unassisted through the security screening checkpoint and the height of the child. 

Infants carried in a child carrier must be removed from the carrier before undergoing security screening.

Child carriers, including strollers and prams, must be screened along with other carry-on baggage.

Domestic travel and carry-on baby products

There are no restrictions on the amount of powders, liquids, aerosols and gels you can take onboard a domestic flight for a baby or infant. 

International travel and carry-on baby products

You are allowed to carry onboard a reasonable quantity of inorganic powder, liquid, aerosol or gel items on an international flight if you travelling with a baby or infant. 

A reasonable amount is considered an amount to cover the duration of the flight, allowing for any delays. Screening officers will have the final say on the amount permitted. 

Baby products allowed may include, but are not limited to:

  • baby milk, including expressed breast milk and powdered formula
  • sterilised water
  • juice
  • baby food in liquid, gel, powder or paste form

There are no quantity restrictions for organic powders (e.g. powdered baby formula).