Airline Consultation

Over the past seven years, $1 billion has been invested to transform Perth Airport.

To ensure we continue to meet the expectations of our customers, we need to start planning the delivery of new projects.

To achieve this next wave of investment, we are  undertaking an open and transparent consultation process with our airline customers in relation to the contractual documentation that will apply at Perth Airport from 1 July 2018 and material components therein (including pricing and its determinants).

To facilitate the consultation, we will maintain a register of documents on our website for viewing by our airline customers and other interested parties.  Any person who registers for access and provides a valid email address below will be provided access to the documents. 
This  open exchange of information during the consultation process will underpin a cooperative approach to delivering the infrastructure and services our customers, and our State, need and expect.


Terms and Conditions for Accessing the Consultation Website
  1. Perth Airport is undertaking an open and transparent consultation process with its airline customers in relation to the contractual documentation and material components therein (including pricing) that will apply at Perth Airport from 1 July 2018 (Consultation Process). The current Prices and Services Agreements (PSAs) which Perth Airport has with a number of airlines expire on 30 June 2018.
  2. To facilitate the Consultation Process, Perth Airport will maintain a register of documents on its website (Consultation Website). Any person who registers for access, provides a valid email address and accepts these Terms and Conditions, will be provided access to the documents for the purpose of the Consultation Process.
  3. The documents and information shared by Perth Airport as part of the Consultation Process:
    1. include forward-looking statements about Perth Airport and the environment in which Perth Airport operates, which are subject to uncertainties and contingencies outside of Perth Airport's control. Actual performance may differ materially from these statements;
    2. may include statements relating to past performance, which should not be regarded as a reliable indicator of future performance;
    3. may contain information from third parties believed to be reliable; however, no representations or warranties are made by Perth Airport as to the accuracy or completeness of such information;
    4. must not be relied on for any purpose other than to participate in the Consultation Process.
  4. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Perth Airport will not be liable (within tort, consumer protection laws, or otherwise) to any person in relation to the information and documents shared as part of the Consultation Process, including any errors therein. While Perth Airport has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the documents and information it shares during the Consultation Process are accurate, it accepts no responsibility or liability in relation to any decisions made by parties who rely on the information or documents in any way.
  5. Updates or revisions to the information and documents shared as part of the Consultation Process may be uploaded to the Consultation Website during the Consultation Process.
  6. The information and documents made available by Perth Airport to registered users as part of this Consultation Process are only for use in the Consultation Process. A registered user may share information and documents with its advisers but strictly only for the purposes of its advisers advising or representing the registered user in relation to the Consultation Process and where its advisers have agreed in writing not to disclose the information or documents to third parties. Any other reproduction, transmission or communication of the information and documents made available by Perth Airport as part of the Consultation Process to third parties is strictly prohibited unless previously agreed to by Perth Airport in writing.
  7. Perth Airport will make available to all registered users the Conditions of Participation, which will detail the process for the consultation, including the ways in which parties' information may be shared during the process and how Perth Airport will consider the submissions and comments it receives during the Consultation Process (although Perth Airport reserves complete discretion to decide the matters it consults on during the Consultation Process). All registered users must carefully review the Conditions of Participation and will be taken to accept the Conditions by their continued participation in the Consultation Process.