Featuring Woolworths, Priceline and Sushi Hub, Dunreath Village is conveniently located within walking distance of Redcliffe Train station, in the Airport West precinct.
"This is a great win for local residents as well as the airport community,” said Kate Holsgrove, Acting CEO, Perth Airport.
"It's taken just over 12 months to complete and now this part of the Perth Airport estate has become one of Perth’s premium destination retail hubs thanks the Centre’s proximity to the DFO and Costco.
"The project generated more than 350 jobs during construction, with a further 200 ongoing retail jobs secured, and we’re expecting the centre to be extremely popular with residents, airport workers and travellers.
"A coffee shop will be opening at the southern end of the centre before the end of the year, as well as some pop ups planned for the foyer area, and to celebrate the opening, there will be face painting, musicians and giveaways planned for the first few days, so I encourage locals and airport workers to come along and check out the new stores for themselves,” continued Ms Holsgrove.
Karl Weber, State Director of Operations in WA for Woolworths Supermarkets said: “The development of our brand-new Perth Airport Woolworths supermarket has been an important part of our ongoing investment in high-quality shopping experiences for Perth residents.
“With a large Direct to Boot service and additional trading hours, the store has been set up to offer customers convenience in how and when they shop.
“We’re delighted to celebrate the official opening of the Dunreath Village Shopping Centre, delivering a unique shopping destination that meets the needs of the local community.”
Dunreath Village Shopping Centre will trade from 7am – 9pm on weekdays and 7am – 7pm on weekends and public holidays. Two hours free parking is available for shoppers.
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Corporate Affairs
Perth Airport
E: [email protected]