Perth Airport welcomes master plan approval

16 January, 2015

Perth Airport Pty Ltd, the operator of Perth Airport, has welcomed the approval of its 2014 Master Plan by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Development, the Hon Warren Truss.

Airport Master Plans are prepared by all major federal airports, every five years, under the requirement of the Airports Act 1996 (Commonwealth), and outline the proposed developments for the next 20 years.  The approval of the Perth Airport Master Plan 2014 is another important milestone for the company’s plans to continue its redevelopment and investment in the airport, and ensure it fulfils its critical role to provide aviation infrastructure for Western Australia.

The past five years have been a time of significant change, with the State’s economy and population growing rapidly.  The demand for commercial aviation services has also grown and, to support this growth, and to improve customer service, we are well progressed on an historic redevelopment program.

In the past six years, we have completed or commenced over $1 billion of capital works, including 92 projects each valued over $5 million.  On average, we have constructed one new aircraft parking position each month for the past seven years to cater for the demand.

Perth Airport Chief Executive Officer, Brad Geatches said the Master Plan consultation and approval process had been rigorous, with the plan being subject to a high level of scrutiny to ensure the public interest is met.

“The Master Plan describes Perth Airport’s land use and development plans for the next 20 years and beyond.  With our redevelopment process in full swing, there was a high level of public interest in what the next stages of our airport development will be.  We engaged openly with the community and key stakeholders, and are committed to continuing that process,” said Mr Geatches.

The Master Plan paves the way for significant developments, including the third runway and the WA State Government’s Forrestfield Airport Rail Link project.  These projects will be subject to further approvals processes in the future, and stakeholders and the community will be able to provide input.

“This transformation of Perth Airport is a once in a generation change, and I know that Western Australians will be proud of the airport we deliver, in partnership with stakeholders such as the Commonwealth and State Governments,” said Mr Geatches.

Perth Airport has strong working relationships with communities and local, State and Commonwealth Governments, and the success of the Gateway WA project in improving the road network in and around the airport is testament to that.

“The Master Plan recognises that the airport needs to develop integrated plans that complement Perth’s broader urban and infrastructure plans, and take into account the impact of airport development on surrounding communities and the environment,” said Mr Geatches.

The Master Plan also includes information about how the impact of aircraft noise on communities surrounding Perth Airport will be managed, and ensuring that the public is well informed.  The Plan is the basis for the effective management of the environment, allowing for sustainable development of the airport estate.

“The contribution that Perth Airport makes to local, State and national development cannot be underestimated.  We play a vital role in connecting people, places and services and supporting tourism and employment,” commented Mr Geatches.

Perth Airport is a major employment centre within the Perth metropolitan area, supporting more than 17,000 jobs and contributing an estimated $2.61 billion to Gross Regional Product (GRP).  These figures are projected to increase to more than 42,000 jobs and a GRP contribution of $7.04 billion by 2034.

“We are pleased that our Master Plan has been approved and we are looking forward to implementing our plans to deliver world-class facilities and services that all Western Australians will be proud of,” Mr Geatches said.

The final Perth Airport Master Plan 2014 will be made available to the public by 20 March 2015.

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Fiona Lander 
Executive General Manager l Corporate Affairs
Perth Airport
P: +61 8 9478 8877 (24 hour Media Line)
E: [email protected]